Why I'm Running:

I am Joshua James, and I am running as a Republican candidate for the 4th Congressional District of Tennessee and I would like to introduce myself and lay out my vision for our communities.

At no other time in our nation’s history has our Federal government been more divided and detached from the values and needs of the American voter. Our elected leaders are locked behind closed doors, funded by PACs, and polished and packaged by highly paid political consultants.

It is this disconnect between the voters and our elected leaders at the Federal level that is driving my desire to run. As an elected official in Rutherford County, I have made an unwavering commitment to ensure that everyone in my district has a seat at the table, has the opportunity to give their input before I vote, and in turn deserves a clear explanation as to the WHY of every vote I make.

As a fiscal conservative, I have focused on promoting and protecting the citizen, small business owners, the creation of job opportunities, and fighting to eliminate excessive taxation and regulations that hold back our economic potential.

As a father, I am disgusted by the agendas of extremists that are being forced upon our innocent children and our society as a whole.

As a veteran and actively serving reservist, there is yet to be true accountability on those in charge who went along with and enforced this mandated untested and controversial vaccine.

I strongly believe that as an elected leader, it is my responsibility to vote and represent my community as a servant of those that elected me. It would be my honor to represent the people of the 4th District of Tennessee in Washington.

  • Government should only do what the people can or won’t do for themselves.